I Raise My Teacup to Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Lavender Eau de Toilette Spray

Don’t you just love the sound of silence? I caught a few minutes of it this afternoon while staring out the window by my desk. I was watching the branches of a tall oak tree silently sway in a breeze I couldn’t hear at all because the house was all buttoned up with the windows and doors shut. It was both beautiful and awesomely weird, like someone had turned down the volume on a reality show starring me. :)
But then El Hub came thundering down the stairs with a load of laundry in his arms, boom-boom-boom! Tabs magically appeared, “Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!” Then the washing machine, the dishwasher, a gas-powered blower outside? El Hub coughing and tearing open a package of something in the kitchen — for the love of Pete, man, what is that sound?! Add to all of that every other sound that makes up the background music of my busy little life suddenly turned up to 10 at the very same time, and I can’t help but wonder if the silence I’d heard was ever real at all.
Le sigh…
If, by chance, I ever hear that kind of silence again, there’s a high probability you’ll find me somewhere quietly sighing with relief and spraying Elizabeth Arden’s Green Tea Lavender ($29 for a 1.7-oz. bottle) in the air.
I’m surprised El Hub hasn’t asked me to chill out with this stuff because I’ve been spritzing it on myself lately like it’s my side job.


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