Sites like Exclusively.In are the ones that make me want to marry rich. It may be an members-only deals site with what seems to be the exactly design of Gilt Group, but it"s definitely on the pricey side. Not that I resent this at all; the intricate imported clothing, jewelry, and accessories look like they should be expensive. How else could this kind of workmanship exist? I say this having no idea what the workmanship actually is, given that I cannot afford to check this out for you, but it seems like it would be excellent, doesn"t it? Everything"s so gorgeous!
No, I don"t resent the prices of Exclusively.In at all. Not when a scroll through the site makes me coo over everything, sit back happily, and consider an excursion to New Delhi or the textiles section at the MFA. I"m guessing a trip to the MFA is more likely in my immediate future, but you never know. A girl can dream....
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